Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Thursday, January 30, 2014

16 Degrees Here...! BRRR....!!!!!!! The Southern Deep Freeze Continues!

16 Degrees Here...! BRRR....!!!!!!! The Southern Deep Freeze Continues!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My First Ever Work Snow Day - SNOW DAY 2014

My First Ever Work Snow Day - SNOW DAY 2014! 


Text From The Boss about 8:20an this morning,

Stay home today. We won't have anyone come in. I'll see you on Thursday. Thanks. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Learning How To Work The Front Desk

Thursday Night I worked The Front Desk and it was fun!!! I got to scan peoples membership cards & type people in who didn't have their membership cards  and enter them in. I get to help scan people in from time to time. Thursday night I learned how to enter in the ones who don't have their membership cards. 

I can pretty much say I've done a little bit of everything from cleaning, to child care, to front desk, to training people to cleaning out closets! 

After I came on to The YMCA I Knew I would get to do a lot because they were all about wanting to see what all I could Do and started telling me about all of these things they thought I could do. 

I have done just that I have shown them a lot of what I can do in a lot of areas. My Rez Y boss has no idea about my front desk skills yet. I cant wait to suprise him with that next week. 

The front desk workers have done a great job of showing me how to do things at the front desk this week. Im not at all suprised that they trusted me enough to let me work the front desk and just hang at the front desk when they need to step away for a minute. I am so glad I have worked hard enough and really earned their trust. 

I knew I would go places with The YMCA! Always Working My Way Up! I started working my way up when I landed The Job Training People. 

Everybody there has started out the same way I started out but I am the first one to become a Trainer. That's how my boss eventually became a boss at the ymca, he just got a job with the ymca and worked his way up. Everyone there has done their fair share of cleaning out closets like I did the other night.

Lastnight I learned about our Guest Passes, if someone comes in with a guest pass we just check it to make sure its not expired and then they are good to go and work out. Pretty soon I will know all there is to know about working the front desk and I will be working the front desk with the best of em! 


So wednesday night I was at Logans eating dinner and our waitress said my mom and I looked like sisters. I LAUGHED!!! you better believe I LAUGHED! then she saw the earrings i was wearing and said Grand Ole Opry, WOW! they were made to look a piece of the original opry floor, anyway she showed us her earrings made from beer bottle caps, she said they save all the bottle caps at the bar and she makes earrings out of the bottle caps. She then said I would make you some but you look under age. 

I was sitting there completely stunned thinking. So which is it do I look old or do I look too young. 

Oh then Thursday Night I was in Hungry Howies getting Pizza and the guy taking my order ask if I went to North West Rankin and said that I looked just like a girl that was in his class, which of course he was mistaken because I never went to north west rankin. 

Weird week for sure! 

Addie - She Absolutely Loves That Purse From Me!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Love My YMCA Life

I really enjoyed the fun conversations at work Monday night. I found out some really interesting information lastnight! I found out my boss lived in Nashville right before moving here. that's funny because I went to nashville the week before I transferred over here to Rez ymca. Something tells me I didn't end up at Rez YMCA by Accident. It was meant to happen!

I knew he was going some where with that conversation last week about how accessable the stars are there in nashville and how he knows all about the pancake pantry and how it takes you an hour to get in and how he knows all the hot spots to see people and how he knows about our clarksdale,ms guys the mauldin brothers. He just never got to that part about that he use to live in Nashville last week.

so here's how the conversation went last week,

He knows about seeing vince gill at pancake pantry and he ask me how long it took me to get in there and he said it took you about an hour to get in didn't it! LOL! and then he said  see I know all about the pancake pantry. I was talking about how many times i had been to nashville and Cassie at the front desk was talking about how she has a friend moving to nashville and i was telling her and the boss about how I've gotten to meet so many stars in nashville and she said, I want to do that im jealous, how do you do that and i told her about cma music festival which happens every year in June and he said that's nothing, they are very accessable, you can see them just out and about every day there in nashville.

He doesn't know who LUKE BRYAN is and I laughed so hard and I said PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE JOKING!  Hes the only person I know that doesn't know who Luke Bryan is. LOL!

 He has informed me that i will be a fan of willie nelson when I see him next month at the coliseum. I was saying im not a fan of willie and he said You will be after you see him.

He even knows who skylar laine is and im like He knows about the guys I grew up with & went to school with in clarksdale that are responsible for america's got talent! He was trying to think of their names and he was like who were those guys that first did America's Got Talent? And I had to remind him and he said thats it and I said I know those guys quit well I went to school with them and he said OH THAT'S COOL!!!


anyway, WOW! we did some serious cleaning out closets at work Lastnight! the boss will be super happy when he looks in the closets because last time he looked in the closets it was a mess. While cleaning out closets I got to teach some of them some of the things I was taught working at the downtown ymca, I know Buddy would be really proud of that!

I got to teach them how to organize all the paper towel rolls & toilet paper rolls & all the cleaning supplys and the garbage bags. we organized it all Buddy's way. 

We are going to start having maintenance hours to do that kind of stuff, so I understand...
that's what I was told Lastnight. Im not sure yet how all of that is going to work, I'm not sure if my hours will be affected or not, I Hope not. I know there are a lot of changes happening up there right now. some of the changes don't effect anyone except working around our new layout. they have moved everything around. I actually LOVE the new layout! there is a lot more room to move around and work now than there was before.

they are having the kids good news club in the yoga room splitting them up by age groups instead of it just only being over on the child care side so now I get to hear mr.harold from my uncle Tinker's Church again while working! I got to see him tonight for the first time since november since right before I ended up out sick for so long. I didn't get to hear mr.harold at all during the month of december because of being so sick, mr.harold was so sweet tonight and said he wondered where I was! haha! that was nice to hear!
I know everyone missed me while i was out! he was saying that bronchitis is going around and I was like OH I KNOW! There have been atleast 4 cases of it up here at the ymca because I've had it, the boss has had it, his daughter has had it, one of our front desk people, Cassie has had it. he was like goodness. he said well i'm glad your better. 
This is just one of the many things I love about the ymca is that I can be out sick and come back and find out how much everyone has missed me and not just the boss. I will never be able to wrap my mind around all of this! I am just over whelmed by all the constant love and appriciate I get up there. Everyone up there is just too good to me.

Oh and I also got to meet someone else from River Wood Bible Church from my uncle Tinker & Aunt Karen Kay & My Cousins Kimberly & Mollie & Brittany & My good friend James Davis Church, her name was Anne. I told ya'll I'm always meeting and becoming friends & going to church & working with people Connected to my wonderful cousins & my uncle & my friend James. Anne talked about how much she just absolutely loves my uncle Tinker and she said if you're mom is anything like him im sure she is a sweet lady and Harold said OH IM SURE SHE IS! What Sweet People!! Im in the right place that's for sure! I didn't end up at Rez Y by Mistake at all, there is no question about that!
My First Connection to my cousins Kimberly, Mollie, Brittany & My Uncle Tinker & Aunt Karen Kay was my good friends who I Met In April of 2001 right before Moving to Jackson,Ms, Joey Everett, Austin Sorey, Steve Thomas, Donnie & Ronnie Dennis and then my 2nd Connection to them was James Davis, my 3rd connection to them is Mr,Harold, my 4th Connection to them is a guy that Mollie's Husband Thomas knows that works with me, my 5th connection to them is my pastor Bryant May who Thomas also knows, now my 6th Connection is the sweet Lady I met lastnight Mrs.Anne from their church RWBC. 

That's Why I know, Im in the right place that's for sure! I didn't end up at Rez Y by Mistake at all, there is no question about that! I know that without a shadow of a Doubt! God has a plan for me and my life that is slowly falling in to place. I'm really starting to feel God's plan in all of this and I'm not sure where God is leading me with this but I know God is also telling me these are the people who are meant to be in your life because they are the people I need in My Life. I'm excited to see what God is going to do with this plan for my life.
I look forward to celebrating a year since I began the process of trying to get on at the ymca in April and then I will be celebrating one year with the ymca in July the week after the 4th of July. on August 20 I will celebrate one year with the Rez ymca.
I'm still waiting to hear back from buddy about the huge promo opportunity, I haven't heard back from him yet, but I will keep ya'll posted as soon as I hear something. 

Talk To Ya'll Later!

Have A Great Week! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Chalk Drawings & Words From Last Sunday's Sermon at Church

Chalk Drawings & Words From Last Sunday's Sermon at The Exchange!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Southern Accents & Californian's

So apparently I have a really strong accent. More of an accent than most people here at The Reservoir YMCA. Thats the first time I have ever heard that. And this came from a Californian! GO FIGURE!

So yesterday at work one of the girls who is from  California said I have a strong accent and probably the strongest accent than anybody else up there, which I totally disagree with.

I think the boss is the one with the accent and really stands out. anyway, one girl at work Alice agrees with me and tonight she said my accent doesn't stand out to her and she agreed with me that the boss is the one who stands out. He's midwestern so he really stands out.

It was funny lastnight because the bosses daughter agreed with the Californian and said it just has that twang to it that makes it stand out.

the first time in my life someone ever pointed out my accent was,

when I was in idaho years ago on vacation and we were at a restaurant and the girl waiting on us ask if we were from mississippi and said that she recognized our accent and then ask if we knew someone named Brad McDonald who is my cousin and she said she went to school with Brad at Ole Miss.


Thursday, January 16, 2014


#Throw Back Thursday

#THROWBACK #blastfromthepast & A beautiful memory of my aunt karen

#THROWBACK #blastfromthepast  & A beautiful memory of my aunt karen 
My Cousin Teresa has been doing some digging and found some old letters and post cards from years ago way way way way back! 

What A Beautiful & Sweet Memory of My Aunt Karen
who passed away from cancer in april of 2004. 
This is a Letter Aunt Karen had written To My Cousin Teresa 

HOW FUNNY! A Blast From The Past For My Mom! 
An Old Letter my Cousin Teresa found as she has been doing some digging and found lots of old letters and post card and she came across an old letter from my mom that she wrote, we aren't real sure when it was written, my mom is guessing probably right after she and my dad got married. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Huge Up Coming Opportunity In The Works!

Hello Friends & Family!

So I am back to the blogging world!
I have had to take quit a break from Blogging during the holiday months of November & December. I was sick all through thanksgiving and all of December with a very severe case of Bronchitis and ended up getting 3 shots and did 3 rounds of Antibiotics and a liquid cough medicine & nasal spray & Claritin D. that's how bad my case of Bronchitis was.

Anyway, I am Writing to tell ya'll about an opportunity I have coming up

I will have a chance to make both of my bosses Cory & Buddy & The YMCA look really good!

I'm looking forward to a wonderful opportunity that is in store for me & my bosses. Thanks to my Aunt Lou Ellen who has nominated me for such a cool opportunity that I get to involve my bosses & the ymca in. Yes you heard me correctly, Nominated! 

My Aunt Lou Ellen has nominated Me at work to be pictured for their pamphlets at her office where she works & to do a video interview at work along with my bosses. All of this will take place at the ymca. It would be used to show how successful people like me that they have helped get back in the working world & show How successful this job has been.

It will not only make me look good but it will make my bosses really good and the ymca will look good as well because of all they've done for me. continuesly doing all they have promised me from Day 1 & then some & taking such good care of me as I was so sick for a little over a month with Bronchitis.

Im so excited to be nominated for such an opportunity like this! My bosses so deserve this! This will be part of me saying Thank You to them for all they've done for me from Day 1.

Cory especially deserves this as he spent a little over a month taking such good care of me & supporting me through that aweful illness. He has taken care of me by pulling me out of child care for now once I got real sick & left word with the front desk workers mrs.paula & mrs.alice to keep an eye on me and just watch me because of me not feeling well when he was not there & he also checked up on me.

I have never had such a caring boss like that. He made my life so much easier on me and put me on to work in the mornings all through December so I could go do what I need to do over in child care before the kids came after school at 3:00pm so I can be done and go home before the kids got there so I was not exposed to any sick kiddos.  He Really does Deserve this!

Anyway even though I was hardly at work while I was sick, I only worked a little off and on when I felt up to it and so When I got the phone call from my aunt about the opportunity she had for me and that she had nominated me for, I was able to text the boss back and fourth about it while I was at home sick and he said Sure and that it was okay with him.

anyway, here's the latest on this project -

Last Week on Wednesday I tried to give ole Buddy a call to talk to him about the up coming Video Interview promo opportunity with him and my other boss Cory. He was out of the office on Wednesday but I was able to catch up with him on Thursday and he said anything like that as far as Filming, interviews, printed ect... has to be approved by the metro office. They are real strict on that. He has forwarded the information along to the metro office to my boss Cory's wife. He said he will let me know what she & the metro office say. 

 THINK POSITIVE AND KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED & PRAY HARD FOR ALL OF US INVOLVED IN THIS & Pray Especially For Me About This! This is a Big Deal To ME! Pray For Metro Office to make the right decision... I don't have any doubts about this because she's my bosses wife and we have met and I have worked with her several times both at Reservoir Y & Downtown Y & we got to know each other a little better working together in child care when Jasmine was out... So I'm thinking she will more than likely approve it. This is not only a big opportunity for me if they approve it but it's also a big opportunity for them because it will make them look really good and I have told them that so I hope that helps in the decision making process. she knows cory and buddy just love me to pieces so I know that helps too!

She nominated me and my bosses to do this. because of how successful I have been with this job she has been pushing for me to be the one to do this. I'm Honored just to be nominated. As far as when I will know anything about their decision, it will more than likely be atleast two weeks but I don't know for sure, so Don't hold me to that, It could be longer, I'm not sure how long they generally take on making decisions like this. I hope they won't keep me waiting to long. I messaged my boss today to see if he had heard anything and nothing yet so Just waiting.... It's hard to be patient with something like this.

I will keep ya'll posted on this and I will let you know as soon as Buddy calls Me back with their decision.

Talk To Ya'll Soon!

Have A Great Week!

Monday, January 13, 2014

I Clean My Church Once A Month! I Always Love & Appriciate These Messages Just Like I Get At Work!

I Clean My Church Once A Month
and This Email Just Came Across My Desk!
I Always Love & Appriciate These Messages Just Like I Get At Work!

Cleaning Team,
Just wanted to let each of you know how grateful I am for you! Every weekend I walk into our building, and it never fails that everything looks amazing. I often get compliments about how nice our space is and much of that credit goes to each of you. I know that you sacrifice to take time our of your week or weekend to do a seemingly unnoticed job, but please know that God is using you. The last 3 Sundays we have had 3 of our 4 largest crowds ever, and we never once have to worry about whether people will walk into a clean space. I appreciate each of you and am so grateful that God has connected you and your families to The Exchange. Not only do you save us valuable resources that we are being able to use in other ways to reach people, but each of you are modeling what it means to serve the body of Christ.
Thanks again,
Bryant May
Lead Pastor, The Exchange

Hayden's 5th Birthday Party!!! Sunday January 12,2014 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYDEN!!!