Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Horrible Monday or As They Say... A Case Of The Mondays

Hey Everybody,

An Update On The Job Search,

Yesterday or Lastnight I should say, I got a phone call from Cato's for a Job Interview at 7:00pm, they wanted me to come in at 9:00am this morning, which was unreasonable because that didn't give me any time to make arrangements to be there because I have to make arrangements with the people from my uncle Roberts office, and It was after hours and I made it perfectly clear on the application that my avaliability is after 3:00pm, not mornings, so when I told them I couldn't come at 9:00am and that I could come after 3:00pm, that I would call them right back, they said they were going to have to get back with me and so when I started making phone calls in a panic to the people from my uncle's office knowing it was after hours, I called them at home and on their cell phones and they were not reachable,

so I got really paniced trying to figure out how in the heck I was going to make it to that interview at 9:00am, but I called the lady that use to work with me, she tried reaching them she couldn't reach them either, so any way, they called back and said told her they were at some meetings out of town, so she was going to have to take me to the interview.

So I called Cato's back within the hour and they said they had already scheduled someone else for 9:00am, and would have to call me back and reschedule for another day, and I tried to get them to reschedule while I had them on the phone but all they said was no, I will call you back and reschedule for another day, I have yet to hear back from them.

What Reasonable person calls people at 7:00pm at night and expects you to make arrangements at the drop of a hat to be there at 9:00am, knowing that my application says my availability is after 3:00pm. they did not give me a reasonable chance, that was just dirty to do to me. that tells me that they clearly did not look at my application and my availability, nobody seems to pay attention to my availability, that has become very clear to me. so that Just makes me think that if they couldn't be just a little bit reasonable and say oh okay thats fine, we look forward to seeing you at 3:00pm, like most reasonable people who conduct interviews and clearly look over and read the application, it wasn't the job I'm looking for.

oh well I got screwed out of a job interview, but that helps in the process of finding a job, now I know what kind of people I was dealing with there, but my mom said it was probably for the best because they sound very unreasonable, you dont need that, your trying to get away from that.

keep me in your prayers that I will eventually find something, "THE RIGHT JOB FOR ME"

I will update ya'll again soon and let you know how the job search is going.

Check In Later, Goodnight.....

Monday, August 29, 2011

Old Family Pictures Tagged To Me In The Shaw Group on Facebook

Louis Jenkins- 3rd one on the right

my memaw holding something white on top of whatever that is, she's wearing a white bonnett on her head, she's the 3rd one from the left.

my Dad & Barbara Tharp

Pam Litton in the pink dress & white bonnett on her head

Karen McDonald in The Yellow with the bandana on her head

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My 5th Great Grandparents On The Litton Side Of The Family

this has been passed down in the litton family for many generations, My memaw's cousin Alice has it right now, my Aunt Pam wants it, my memaw use to have it, it's still being passed down in the family. My memaw is going to make some copies of the picture for whoever wants it. I'm currently making Copies of the picture too. I'm going over to Alice's house real soon to get A Straight Shot of the picture with my real Camera, so we can frame it, I took these pictures with my phone

The Evening With Casey & Beau & Braiden & Lily On August 27,2011

Casey & Braiden & Beau & Lily came over and hung out all evening at our house til real late, they were over here when I got home at 6:00pm lastnight. Braiden played outside, Casey was on the computer, beau was laying on the couch watching tv, well My mom & took Turns holding Lily & I helped give her a Bottle. We sat outside on the swing & held Lily on the swing, she really seemed to like the swing.

The Day With Memaw For My Birthday on August 27,2011 & mine & my mom's New Luggage!!!!

MY NEW LUGGAGE I GOT YESTERDAY FOR MY EARLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT FROM MY MEMAW, I eventually needed to get a new set of luggage, because my old purple one want zip anymore, and I picked this one up yesterday at Target looking at because I really liked it and just want to get an idea of a suitcase I might want and she said well is that what you want for your birthday and she got it for me it was like $90.00. My dad is going to get me one of the other matching Luggage bag that goes with this, it's not sold together for some reason.

My memaw came and spent the day with me yesterday for my birthday, even though my birthday isn't til this coming weekend on Saturday. We went to eat Lunch at Olive Garden, we went to see the movie THE HELP!! it was the 2nd time I had seen it, it was better the 2nd time cause I didnt have somebody sitting next to me going WOO!! UH HUH YEA!! LOL!!! & I could focus on what parts of the movie were filmed by my dad's office in clarksdale & in and around Clarksdale.

The First Time I saw THE HELP I saw it with my mom. I HIGHLY RECCOMMEND YOU GO SEE IT IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET. My memaw said she could go see it again too, she wasn't ready for it to end when it was over.

My Mom's New Luggage Courtesy of Brooks, he showed up over here one day last week with it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shipment #2 I Just Finished Working On Lastnight For My Side Job

this time I had to tie price tags on bracelets, it's been a lot of fun having this side, I have another load coming this afternoon, I get paid every time I finish something. so that being said I GET PAID TODAY!!!

Saturday August 20 & Sunday August 21,2011

Sunday August 21,2011 The Girls Came Over to play all afternoon, it was all selena could do to keep them satisfied til the afternoon, they wanted to come over 6:00am sunday! lol!! Silly girls, she had to talk them down. they were sooooo happy when they came over!
Saturday We made Frog Cookies For My Mom's 5th Grade Students