Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Job & Life Update Time!

August 1,2013 - Job Update -

Looks like im staying at downtown ymca atleast for this month anyway. May not go to reservoir til September when I get back from Nashville. They only had weekends Avaliable and The weekends they had available would be two 10 hour days full time every weekend and no week days and I dont want that and buddy advised against that. He said the guy at reservoir will have an opening with week days available in september. so for now im staying put!

 Well... Now waiting to see if im going to leave downtown and go to Flowood for a while. Got some news Friday, that was not exactly what I wanted or needed, got cut an hour Friday night at work but its Not their fault though because It was technically suppose to be my last night at the downtown ymca. I was suppose to transfer to reservoir on monday but thats not happening. Its not in anybodies control, theres nothing anybody can do about it, its out of Buddy's Control, its out of my Control, There has been a call put in to Flowood to see if Marcus can bring me on yet & and to Reservoir b/c they didnt hold up their end of the deal. So for now all I can do is make the best of it. 

I wasn't too bothered by Friday nights cut because Friday had already been a Long & Rough day because I was suppose to go to a class early Friday morning so we drove 30 minutes over to my class and only to get a call on my cell phone after being in the building for 10 or 15 minutes and then someone met me in the room and said IM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO CALL YOU, also we took my moms car to the shop to get the oil changed and find out why the check engine light came on and so they changed the oil and checked in out and the car went dead a few times while they were working on it and then once they had it ready for us we got in and tried to leave and tried to crank it several times and it wouldn't crank at all. We took it to that car care clinic by walmart in Flowood, so we ended up getting stranded for a little while until one of my moms teacher friends could come pick us up. We walked to Walmart lol and her friend picked us up from walmart about NOON and she took us to eat Chinese for lunch and then I met up with my memaw and my cousin Ashleigh from Texas later on and I went to sit with them while they ate at Olive Garden and we all 3 shared a dessert!! YUMMY! and then we went to see my memaw's cousin Alice and then I came home to change clothes real quick before work and went to work. so I was cool with going home early Friday Night. I usually get in 3 good hours of work.  I try to take my time and make it last so I get 3 hours.

August 5,2013 - Job Update - 

A few Calls have been put in to Flowood YMCA to see if Marcus's boss will let him bring me on yet at all. also An email with several calls have been put into Reservoir to see if we can get them to come back through on their end of the deal because they were really suppose to transfer me over there this week and that didn't happen. Because that didn't happen, Buddy was put in a bad position Friday and ended up cutting me an hour because things were slowing down because this week it's back to school and Friday was the last day for kids all day at the ymca. 

with that being said, he said the work load would get lighter and there won't be as much to do and we won't have to go around and pick up trash in the gym where kids have been playing basketball all day. Also Ben had been there early from 1-4 because he had something to do and had done all of his work and most of mine so all I had to do was tend to the womens locker room and then he said I was free to go on and go home when I finished that, I know there is nothing good about getting cut a whole hour but like I said It's out of both mine & Buddy's Control & I know it's not Buddy's Fault because Technically I wasn't suppose to be coming back this week, I was suppose to be starting at Reservoir this week, but they fell through on their end of the deal. I knew Buddy didn't won't come tell me the plan Friday for Friday Night and the plan for this week I saw that look he had and I knew he did not want to come tell me I wasn't going to have as much to do anymore but at the same time he doesn't want to loose me either. From the looks of things he may end up end up with me til I can find something some where else if I can't get on at Flowood and if nothing comes of me going to Reservoir. 

 I'm wondering if going to work at the ymca was such a brilliant idea after all or not, I was really feeling it big time like it was right because so many other good things happened around that, but now I'm having serious doubts. I began Wondering Friday if maybe the sign was there all along that Im not meant to be at the ymca for very long  maybe that's why I can't seem to end up where I need to end up, maybe I just didn't want to see it but it was right there infront of me when I couldn't get on at Flowood. I fought a door God kept trying to close several times.

Today - August 6,2013

I want to thank each and every one of you... my family & Friends & my church & my life group who have been right here with me through this roller coaster of Ups & Downs of trying to get on at the location I need to get on at. thank you so much for being right here with me when I went through over two months of dealing with trying to get on at Flowood. Thank you so much for continuing to Follow me as I Update You on this Long Journey with The YMCA and pulling for me and praying for Me & with Me through this Journey. Thanks so much for walking with me on this Journey and continuing to walk with me on this Journey. Also THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for never giving up on me as I went through two long years of being out of a job and cheering me on as I never gave up on myself and I never stopped looking for a job even though I had my moments where I wanted to give up but I pushed on.

If I hadn't of found my wonderful Church Family The Exchange & My Life Group & if God hadn't of brought my long lost friend Christina Hill from First Grade back in to my life when I really needed something positive in my life that I never in a million years dreamed would happen I don't know if I would have been able to keep going and keep looking. It is because of all of their encouragement and wanting to jump right in and do whatever they could to help me look for a job and also because of my mom's contiues pushing to keep looking even though sometimes it got under my skin because I was so sick of looking and so sick of filling out job applications. 

Friends & Family & The Exchange & Life Group, I need your prayers now more than ever, as I continue on this Journey of trying to get on at the right ymca location and as I continue to pray about this  weather or not God is closing this door and where God is leading me next on this Journey called Life.  

                                       I just saw this on Facebook this Evening

I love how God will put these reminders infront of us sometimes. God sure does work in Mysterious ways.  
well anyway, I will talk to ya'll later and I will keep ya'll updated as I continue to know more.
I will try to update again next week if I don't have anymore updates for this week. 

                                       HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

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