Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hey Everybody!

Alrighty Ya'll Here It Is As Promised... The Big Announcement Is.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE... THERE IS NO BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I KNOW I KNOW THAT WAS MEAN!!!! ONE BIG TEASER ALL WEEK!!! But On A Serious Note, what I was keeping a secret all week though was that I got a call on Tuesday about 2:00pm about a job interview which I went to on Wednesday Afternoon.

The Reason I Kept it a secret all week is b/c the last call I got about a job interview at BestBuy really killed my dreams BIG TIME! that was what I've been looking for all these past 6 years in retail. I had HIGH HOPES that my dream was finally coming true, I mean the timing was right. God Closed The Door on The Job at New York & Company in December and he closed the door on the job at Old Navy in June, he closed the door on the job at Target in April of 2007. so to get a call from bestbuy I just some how new this was it, everything I ever wanted and dreamed of was coming true. I wanted a job where I could deal with Music and entertainment and bestbuy has that. so when I didn't get the job I was just crushed. but I new walking out of the interview that it didn't go as I had expected, but all I could do was hope. I was so sure when I got the call for the interview that I had it in the bag. I was so sure I finally landed what I've been looking for.

so moving on to Tuesday's Call and Wednesdays Interview, I wasn't overly psyched about wednesdays interviewed, the call I got was from The New Freds Store at Old Fannin and Spillway Rd. freds is not what im looking for, its not the kind of place I picture myself working at. I was not about to give up. I mean to me Working is Freds is like working at walmart or kroger or dollar tree. just not where I see myself. it's just one of those things you just know when it's not the right job for you.

Don't get me wrong I absolutely loved the Manager there, he reminded me so much of one of my former softball coaches when I was little, Mr.Joel Hutton is who he reminded me of very much. He was layed back and was a really really really friendly guy and seemed like an all around easy going guy really down to earth and understanding and honest, my first thought was WOW!! WHERE HAS THIS GUY BEEN? why haven't I had this guy as a boss before? I really thought the interview went really well though. he said he was looking to only hire 1 person maybe 2 but was leaning in the direction of only hiring 1 person. he said he could work with my avaliability. I would be able to leave when I Need to be able to leave which is by 10:00pm or earlier, so I was like OKAY GREAT!!! THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL!! and he was so flexible he said he allows time for everyone to be able to go to church on sundays, he can do schedules where you can either go to sunday morning service or sunday evening service either way, he allows you to be able to have time to go to church which is also the kind of schedule I'm looking for, because I havent had that kind of schedule while working in retail the past 6 years. I rarely had that avaliability, the rare accasions I happened to be off work on wedesday nights, I would go to church, but it wasnt all the time. so I actually thought wow is this for real, I would have a very flexible schedule with the hours I need, and I would still be able to go to church, and I would have a pretty AWESOME GUY FOR A BOSS. my thing was just that I new I could do SO MUCH BETTER THAN FREDS.

he didn't give me an answer wednesday, he said he would let me know by friday sometime friday he didnt know exactly when friday just sometime friday, i did get a call but he said he mistakenly called me back, he said he was still interviewing when he accidently called me about 10am. I never heard back from him, but he said he would call me back if he didnt hire 2 people or 1 person and see if I was still interested in the job, so when the number poped up on my phone I thought that was my call back, but nope. I've been thinking today well maybe this was another one that was too good to be true.

so Ya'll just pray for me that whatever God is leading me to do, which God is really confusing me right now, because he has already shown me that i wasnt meant to follow my dreams just yet when I didn't get the job at best buy. I don't know maybe God has something MUCH BIGGER AND BETTER IN STORE THAN THAT FOR ME and maybe he just trying to teach me to be patient and just wait for his timing. but whatever it is God is leading me to do I will follow. right now im not sure of anything. so just pray for me as I pray about this and seek him. I'm trying to not just only follow my heart but I want to also follow what God wants for me. Maybe all of my hopes and dreams are not what God wants for me. maybe God has different plans for me that I just cant understand right now. so ya'll pray with me and for me.

I look forward to keeping ya'll posted as the job search continues.

sorry for the teaser updates all week long, i didn't know it would turn out that way, I wasn't intentionally trying to tease ya'll. this is just how it happened to turn out. it was fun teasing ya'll for once though!!!!!

Holler at Ya'll Later! Have A Good Weekend!!

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