Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Saturday, September 1, 2012


I know I haven't done a written update in quiet sometime, I know my written updates are quit rare, I need to get better about doing written updates.
so lately I have been going through so much over the summer months and the month of august. I had two test done this summer to figure out what might possibly going on with me, I had a HIDA SCAN and an ultra sound which turned out normal. for 5 or 6 months I have had sick spells after eating and it has gone on for so long that last month I was rushed to the ER after going to the MEA Medical Clinic who told me I looked severely dehydrated and that I needed to go the ER and get fluids, I had been throwing up off and on for 5 to 6 months, the last sick spell I had became so bad I almost couldnt stop throwing up. my mom paniced and she was like I just dont think it has anything to do with what your eating because no matter what you eat this is what happens. So I spent my evening in the ER til 1:00am and had blood work done and all the blood work came back NORMAL and then I was sent home and I was told I needed to go see my surgeon who did my esophageal surgery for reflux disease 8 years ago. so the ER doctor made a phone call about midnight to see if he could get the surgeon on the phone but he couldnt get him because he wasnt on call but he talked to the surgeons colleague who was on call and he got me an appointment with my surgeon for the following monday morning.
so when I went to see my surgeon he completely disagreed with the reason the er doctor sent me to him which was to discuss some surgery he was almost positive I needed and the surgeon sent me back to my GI doctor who I had just been to right before I ended up in the ER and she didn't want to do anymore scopes and didnt want to put me through anything else, so thats why the ER doctor saw it best for me to go to the surgeon because he new the surgeon could help me, so the surgeon made a phone call when I left his office and got me an appointment to have a scope done which was also normal. so after I had the scope done and found out it was normal I was sent to have Gastric Emptying Scans to see if for some reason food wasnt processing right after eating, to see if I had Gastroparesis, THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE THAT WASNT IT EITHER, after I researched Gastroparesis and had a good understanding of what that was, because it would have basically meant I would have been dealing with it for the rest of my life.
I'll tell you the scariest moments of my life through all of this was when I was in the surgeons office listening to him talk, I had an idea of what he was thinking. because I thought he was thinking I possibly had cancer, everyone in the family new thats what was going through my mind. so I was just thanking the good lord that wasnt it. when I left the surgeons office not only was that thought running through my mind but at the same time I new he was dead wrong, because when I had all that blood work done in the ER, the ER doctor specifically told me between the red cells and white everything looks great and its all normal, I new if there any chance of that it would have shown up in the blood work. so I did have a bright side of things to look at and I had that to hold on to  that was my hope and thats what kept me in good spirits and just holding on to my faith and knowing at that point everything was in Gods hands.
 no one has been able to determine whats wrong with me yet, but I do have a bit of good news, I am feeling much better right now things are some what better, I am on a pretty strict diet, I have to eat really small portions of food. I go back to my dr. in two months and we will go from there. I haven't felt as good as I do now in quit some time. I have felt so much better that I have been my old self being silly and laughing and just being myself for once in quit some time. Im hoping that I'm finally on the road to recovery. the doctor said that my body needs time to heal up from being so sick for so long which is why im very limited on what I can eat right now and how much I can have to eat. this is working so far, we hope this continues to work so I can stay well and never go through this again.
I want to share something with you that my memaw told me that was so encouraging to me through all of this and really lifted my spirits through all of this. she said, you know I think you are here for a reason  because after all you have been through, you have been through so many surgeries, had so many things wrong with you and you keep pulling through all of it. you are a fighter and you are the light of our lives. nothing has been able to keep you down and God is never going to give you anything you cant handle and the reason why the surgeon was wrong is because God knows you cant handle cancer, cancer took your aunt karen and your aunt dorothy and your uncles have had cancer and God knows you've been through enough. you are an inspiration to me and to all of us.
she said if you really think about it, there was a lesson to be learned from karens death and it made you stronger and it made the whole family stronger, you were blessed with two cousins to care for and love karen's two daughters and you were blessed with their children to care for and love as if they were your own children. you were there from the very beginning until the end with them and you are still there for them, you do so much for them and you are the light of their lives.
such inspirational words straight from my AWESOME MEMAW!!!!! I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways, on to other things going on in my life.......
as many of you may know I have been out of a job for a year and two months, it will be a year and 3 months end of september.
today I remain forever greatful that I did not accept a job offer at north park mall like I almost did right before Easter. God had a plan for me. I learned a life lesson yesterday, that lesson was that I need to continue to be patient because the right job will come along. Yesterday God answered my prayers, I had been praying that I would be able to find a job soon, someone called me yesterday that I had been praying would call me and or would be able to help me again some day soon in the process of looking and that person called me yesterday.
IM SO EXCITED! IT MADE MY DAY! God was teaching me that you have to be patient, things will happen in his timing not my timing. I dont know what I would do without this person. I TOLD HER SHE IS THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS AND SUCH A WONDERFUL EARLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT! IM LOOKING FORWARD TO A FUN MONTH OF SEPTEMBER!!!! She caught me at just the right time since I am done with having test run to figure out what is going on for now. THIS COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AT A BETTER TIME!!! YES I am speaking from my heart.
anyway, that is all for now, I will try to do better with more written updates, I will try to update you all again soon and give you another whats going on in my world update again real soon, so stayed tuned.

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