Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Missing Friends Who Are Not Here In MS & Longing To Get Out Of Mississippi

Hey Ya'll,

okay so I just wanted to say...... DON'T LET A MOMENT PASS YOU BY, Every moment we have with our friends we have now are quickly fading to memories, so please dont let a moment pass you by. Live every moment of every day, yesterday is gone, live for today, tomorrow is not guareented, so live each day and live ito to the fullest.

That's what I'm trying to do now, because friends we love dearly are quickly coming and going in our lives, we need to live for each moment we have with them, because before we know it they will be gone and they will just be a past memory.

Right now I'm living for my last few days with my friends Heather & Jason, we dont have but just a few more days with them before they are gone, it's hard to believe they are almost gone, time has flown by so quickly, they leave in 5 more days. LIVE FOR THE MOMENTS!!!

Jo Jo is gone now, I lived for every moment I had with him that night at pizza inn, It's still hard to believe he is gone, but I'm excited for him that hes not having to be stuck here in Mississippi but I'm praying he is going to come back some day and be with us again here in This Beautiful State Of Mississippi.

I'm sitting here thinking about how great it would be to get up a trip once I can save up the money and make a big round trip around the world to see friends and family I haven't seen in a long time and friends and family that I dont get to see very much. I'm working on saving up so I can one day do that. I am longing to get out of this state and do something different for a little while, go experience different parts of the world I haven't been to. I miss the trips we use to take every spring break to gulfshores before my aunt died, the trips we took to nashville every summer, I miss my dads buissness trips, those were the good times I look back on now. Man how I Miss those good times. I want to travel the world every summer again, I really miss traveling the world, We haven't done that in a really long time.

So if you get the chance, do like my cousin Brad and travel the world and see the world and enjoy the beauty of this world!! Live for every moment of it!! Capture the moments!!

I'm missing a lot of my friends right now who aren't here with us in Mississippi anymore, I wish they would come back, I miss them a lot right now, I really do, I cant tell you how much I miss a lot of them, friends such as my friend Heather in Georgia, I miss her like crazy, It hasn't been easy being here without her, I miss our snail mail letters we use to write every month for the longest time, I miss the times we laughed together, all the things we use to do together back home in Clarksdale, I cant tell you how much I wish she was here in Jackson with me.

I look for her to come sometime during the summer to Mississippi, atleast I hope she does, I'm going to try to plan on doing something with her if she does, I'm going to take some personal time off work when she's here, I miss her a lot. This place is getting lonely without a lot of my friends who are gone now, things just aren't the same around here anymore. Just about everybody my age is gone, getting out of Mississippi, I'm longing to get out of here, I cant wait to eventually get out of here, dont know when that might be but I want to eventually talk to my mom about getting out of here and maybe going to TN because there just isn't anything here for me anymore other than my doctors other than that everybody is gone, I've the worst time getting my mom to understand that, she doesn't understand that there aren't a whole lot of people my age I use to know left here, they are all gone, everybody is getting out of here and getting on with their lives.

If my cousin Mollie and I are right about those who once couldn't wait to get out of Mississippi find themselves longing for the unique beauty of Mississippi and find themslves wanting to come back home, I'm suprised my friend Heather hasn't wanted to come back yet. Gosh she's been gone for 9 years and it's obvious now that she's not coming back to live here.

Thats the thing I'm just starting to realize that a lot of people who have left aren't coming back, I hate it, I miss them so much with all of my heart, I miss them more than they will ever ever know. I pray they come home someday.

I'm trying to find things to do with my time, there just isn't much to do with my time anymore, i'm getting tired of Mississippi, There isn't much to do anymore, it's getting hard for me to keep a job here, I dont think I'm going to be able to hold out a job here for too much longer without a college degree. Yea I hang out with some highschool people but I dont have much a choice these days,
If it wasn't for my bestfriend Joey in California, I wouldn't have some of those friends who are in highschool, he's the reason I have those friends and I'm thankful for every moment I get with them.

My mom keeps sayin stuff about you need to find friends your own age, WHAT FRIENDS.... SHOW ME WHAT FRIENDS MY AGE THERE ARE HERE IN JACKSON,MS WHAT 1 OR 2 AT THE MOST, there's nobody my age left here, they are all gone, Anthony lambert is gone to oklahoma, Ashley Oliver is gone to Virginia, laura creekmore is gone to school in hattiesburg, casey frazier is in new zealand, James is going to school in clinton and working when hes not at school or either he's trying to get gigs booked some where, Joey is in California, Lindsay and I dont talk anymore because she's on drugs, Sean from school is in school St.paul,Minneapolis, patrick from school lives with his dad in minneapolis, my friend Elaina from crossgates moved to Oregan with her family, heather woolfolk allen is going to be leaving us shortly moving back to baton rouge,la, so I dont know what my mom thinks I'm suppose to do, because I mean my friend Megan from crossgates is at school in clinton too and is working at 93.5 during the week, but I'm not really friends with megan she's just somebody I new at crossgates, I never really felt included around her.

at CrossGates these days you want find anyone my age, no one my age is at crossgates anymore, they all left. I mean my friend Alex is on the road on tour managing our friends band Jonezetta. So I don't know where here in Jackson im going to find anyone my age. does anyone understand where I'm coming from, Everyone my age is gone if they aren't in clinton at MC the rest are gone. I mean I just don't know what I'm going to do with my life here in Mississippi anymore, because there isn't much of anything left here for me, once you get to be this age, thats when it gets to be time to go and get out of here because there's nothing left to offer us. I'm not going to have a job a whole lot longer. I gotta do something I just dont know what and I've got to figure out, I just know it's time to go...

Anyways, Well that's gonna wrap this post up for now, I just had to express how I feel and get it all out. I'll talk to ya'll Later!! God Bless & Have A Good Week!!

here are the following song lyrics that has to do with what we are all going through here in Jackson,Ms with everyone leaving us and not understand why and not understand why life has to be so complicated, asking questions so here they are:


You're in one of those seasonsEverything seems to go so wrongWish I could give you a reasonBut even I'm barely holding onWhen it's hard to find the answersLet this be your hope

God only knows all your broken piecesOnly He knows what you're going throughGod only knows what you hide insideAnd He's holding onto youGod only knows

You've had your fill of questionsThere's so much that you need to knowI don't blame you for askingBut it's time to let go of controlAnd I'm sorry for what you're feelingPlease hold on to this hope

Come on, come on, He knows your painCome on, come on, hold onto faithCome on, come on, you're on your wayMy friend, your struggle has an ending dayOnly He knowsOnly He knowsOnly He knows

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