Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Life Flashed Before My Eyes Tonight.... Tomorrow Is Not Promised...

Hey Ya'll Okay, so tonight I'm writing to ya'll with a big heart, also very shook up. So Tonight my life flashed before my eyes and the carrie underwood song Jesus Take The Wheel played over and over in my head tonight as I was coming home from work. I've never been so scared in my life, well sense my wreck a year ago.

A Shooting almost took my life tonight, I never thought I would find myself saying that, I honestly never thought something like that would happen to me. There was a shooting on lakeland dr. tonight as I was heading home from work and as you all know I get off work at 9pm. I heard several shots fired going down lakeland dr and then the next thing I new two car loads of black guys drove up beside us hollering out their windows at each other what you gonna do man what you gonna do man, I was already scared because the shots were fired too close to our car, and as soon as I heard them hollering out their windows at each other, we floored it the rest of the way home.

I started thinking what if, what if I had been one more minute getting out the door leaving work, I dont even want to think about it, I was nearly shot and killed tonight, it can happen to anybody, dont ever say to yourself that will never happen to me, because you dont know that. It can happen any time any where. I new and still know that I could have been shot and killed tonight had I been one more minute getting out the door leaving work. I'm okay, my mom is fine, I'm just very shook up tonight. Ya know what gets me is Jeremy was talking about me workin til 10 on the weekends that I work, but now I dont know which Jeremy just said if you can let me know, I think I'm going to have to say no now that this happened, I didn't plan on almost getting killed tonight. I had no idea that when I walked out that door tonight that I might not be coming back.

In an experience like that, your life flashes before your eyes, before you even have time to think or blink.It just goes to show how fast things like this can happen. Guys & gals believe me, it can happen to you or anybody you know, it can happen real fast.

So WHATEVER YOU DO, STAY OFF OF LAKELAND DR. LATE AT NITE IF YOU CAN, If you dont absolutely have to be on the road, dont stay in and stay off of lakeland dr. at night, it's just not safe anymore. This is my second danger experience on lakeland dr. I had an experience last week.

Last thursday night on my way home from the rodeo, There were cops flying down lakeland dr. past us and one nearly running us off the road, they were running every red light down lakeland dr. last thursday night as we approached Dairy Queen on our way home, there were 6 or 7 cop cars in the parking lot of dairy queen and there were cops standing every where, they had a bunch of black guys in hand cuffs and had the trunk of a car open and they were searching the vehicle. It was all my mom could do to Swerve real quick and before one cop ran us off the road nearly causing a wreck, thank goodness that cop got on down the road without causing wrecks or hurting anybody.

Ya know Lakeland Dr. Hasn't ever been dangerous like this, We've never had a reason to be afraid on this side of town before until now. Lakeland Dr. is just becoming extremely dangerous at night. I was just talking to my dad about what happened, hes just as scared as I am, he's scared for me, but he also reminded me, that this can happen in broad open daylight, which is true, it can.

I was reminded of something tonight as I went through this horrifying experience tonight, that was said many times by ministers at crossgates baptist church where I use to go to church, I felt God protecting me tonight and God reminded me of something tonight, do you know where you're going when you walk out that door tonight and something was to happen to you, do you know where your going. I was reminded of that tonight I kept hearing that in my head over and over tonight.

Another thing I was reminded of is my bestfriends song Tomorrow, I also continuesly heard that song playing in my head tonight over and over and over. during the two songs that played in my head tonight and the one thing I was reminded of from church tonight, that was my life flashing before my eyes, believe it or not I was saying a prayer in my head that God would just get us home safe, I also know that That was God speaking to my heart tonight and protecting me, that was God's way of letting me know everything was going to be okay. God kept us safe tonight and I felt it, even through all my emotions and panicing, trying to stay calm, I was doing everything I could to remain calm.

I didn't get a good at those guys tonight, which is a good thing in this situation, I didn't care anything about getting a good look at any of them I just wanted to hurry up and get off of lakeland dr. and get home, I was scared to death, I've never been so scared in my life, I never thought for one minute, that when I left going to work tonight that I might not be coming home tonight, that thought never crosses anybodies mind, thats just not something you think about. Believe I found myself plenty of times every time I hear about a shooting, I find myself saying oh that will never happen to me that kind of thing doesn't happen around here, well thats not true, its does happen around here, it happens, it can happen any time any where, guys & gals this situation really makes you think.

If you're not sure about where you are in your relationship with christ, guys & gals its time to get it right now, not tomorrow not i'll do it later, but NOW.... NOW'S THE TIME, tomorrow is not promised, live every day as if it were your last, I realized tonight more than I have ever realized that before, Tonight I was reminded that tomorrow is not promised, tomorrow was not promised for me tonight, but thank goodness I'm still here!! PRAISE GOD FOR THAT, PRAISE GOD THAT I MADE IT HOME TONIGHT SAFELY!!! I WILL PRAISE GOD FOR THAT EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.

I'm doing okay through all of this, I'm just very shook up, just glad my mom and I made it home tonight.Guys and Gals learn from me, I hope you have learned a lot from me now, I hope that God is speaking to you and working in your life through me.

Anyways, I wanted to share my story and my thoughts and feelings on tonight with all of you.I Love Ya'll!! Each and Every One Of You Are Such A Blessing To Me, I'm glad To Have You All In My Life!! God Bless Ya'll and I'm praying for each and every one of you now more than ever. Ya'll Have A Fantastic Week!! Love, Tara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tara. Glad you're OK. Yea, Jacktown is a very dangerous place. There were good resturaunts I loved eating at, but I didn't dare go at night.

I love your blog!
