Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Heating/Air Conditioning Problems & Helping Friends

Story #1 - Heating/Air Condition Problems - 

NOW YA'LL DON'T LAUGH AT THIS!!!! but um yesterday the heat wouldn't come on all day it just kept making that noise it makes right before it comes on but never would come on. so anyway it did that for about 2 hours but the heat/air people didn't come until after lunch and by the time they got here the datgum thing decides to work lol! they went up in the attic and checked it anyway and said who knows it may have had a problem it appears to have worked itself out now. and then they checked the vents and filters and said um your filters are really stopped up what happened was it got too hot and shut down because the filters were stopped up and when filters are stopped up it restricts air flow. anyway $80.00 lesson learned so we've been to lowes to get new filters lol!  I called my mom at school and she told me call your daddy and see what he says and call me back so I did that and then went through my moms filing cabinet to look up the name and number of the heat/air company and all that to find out it was the filters lol!

Next Time I'm calling our main heating/air condition guy in our family - James Kirksey and ask him what he thinks could be wrong before wasting $80.00 or more! ha! 


Story #2 - Helping A Friend - Over Nighting A Bag Of Clothes Left At A Hotel Here In Jackson 

A Friend from Clarksdale,Ms that I grew up with in church - Meri Douglas Blair IMed me on Facebook chat and asked me if I lived any where near Bass Pro In Pearl Just as I was on the way out the door to go to lowes to get air filters and I said about 20 minutes from there  why ? and I told her, here text me here's my number  im on the way out the door leaving my house. so she text me and said my brother left his left South Panola jerseys at the holiday inn by pass pro in pearl and my mom and I were wondering if you could go pick up his jerseys and over night them to us and we will reimburse you. her brother had some games here in town this weekend and they were staying at the holiday inn by pass pro in pearl. Anyway, she said her mom, Mrs.Denita was on the phone with the hotel and was going to see if they could ship em to them and then they decided to see if I could go pick em up and she said if I couldn't she was about to drive back down here to get his expensive Jerseys and  then turn around drive back and it would have been 4 and 1/2 hour drive - 2 and 1/2 hours both ways.  I said OMG! NO NEED IN ALL THAT! It's No Problem for me to go run up there and pick up his jerseys and take em to the post office.  so I ran up to the hotel and they had his jerseys in a bag at the front desk when I walked in and they handed it to me with a note on saying Denita Douglas will pick up this afternoon. lol! when she told them I would be picking it up lol!  anyway, so 20 minutes over to pearl and 20 minutes back and then about 30 to 45 minutes at the post office because the first time I stuck the bag in the wrong package, I put them in priority when I should have put it in Express to over night it. anyway so got it over nightened so by the time I got home it had been exactly 2 hours because we had to take it to the post office by the theater on lakeland because our post office on grants ferry freaking closes at 4:00pm  NEVER HEARD OF A POST OFFICE CLOSING AT 4:00PM. No clue why they close at 4:00pm.  

anyway, so on to day 2 of the process of getting his jerseys back to them, Meri Douglas was asleep when they came with the package and they didn't leave it at the door they took it back to the post office and left a note saying sorry we missed you and that it was at the post office, so when mrs.denita was on her way back to batesville from clarksdale today she had to go by the post office and get it. ITS NOW FINALLY BACK IN THEIR HANDS!!!! YAY!!!!  Mrs.Denita was so worried if they didn't get picked up from the hotel yesterday that something might happen to his expensive jerseys. Glad I was close by and could easily go run and get em and save them the gas money and the headache and the trouble of driving back down here to get his jerseys. ALWAYS HAPPY TO HELP! 



Story #3 - Helping A Friend - Looking For Old Doors

Another Friend From Clarksdale,Ms - Natalie Havens was asking around on Facebook if anybody had any old doors they want to get rid of  if so she will take it off your hands, so I re-Plyed to her message and told her that there is one in our attic that was here when we moved in and have been trying to get rid of it since we discovered it in our attic and that we will be packing up to move to madison or gluckstadt in a year or two and would make my mom very happy for it to be gone because she has been going through the attic pulling everything down and throwing most of it in the garbage. so I told her IT'S HERS & COME GET IT! and she ask to see a picture of it so I opened the door to the attic and pulled the ladder down and stood on it and took a picture of it with my phone, tried to get a decent picture of it the first picture is a little too dark so I did as much photoshop editing on it as I could to make it a little brighter and got it as bright as I could and sent it to her and she said she is coming to get it in a few weeks! really should have used my real camera to take a picture of it, it would have turned out better. oh well!

I'm so excited I haven't seen Natalie in 12 and a half years! since I left clarksdale in 2001. She excited about coming as well! Really Looking forward to the visit! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME!!! It's going to be fun! Something to really look forward to! ALREADY READY TO SEE NATALIE! IM ALREADY SO EXCITED I CAN'T STAND IT!!!! It's going to be like OLD TIMES! 

So much to do before she gets here I need to do some serious cleaning this house high and low. SO READY FOR HER TO BE HERE! 


Anyway, Well I better go for now, I need to do some cleaning around the house tomorrow and thursday because Hayden is coming Friday night, we will just have Hayden Friday Night and I've got to pack Saturday &  then leaving sunday afternoon after church going to Brian & Sara's and we will be back on Wednesday Night March 13. 

Talk To Ya'll Later! I will update again next week with pictures of Addie! 

See Ya! 

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