Brandon,Ms Is Proud Of Skylar Laine!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013



Please Excuse me for not blogging in a while.
My life got a bit crazy with my new job at The DownTown YMCA & my church finally moving into our permanent church home meeting space!!! We are so excited about what God has in store for us in the coming weeks at The Exchange, one of the girls in my life group left and moved to Texas. We've had a couple of life group dinner nights at Ocharleys in pearl. I have a class I go to Early on Friday Mornings and then I come home and eat lunch and chill out and then go to work. My Mom & I have also been doing some house hunting and we have a few houses we would like to go look at and see the inside once we finish work on this house and get this house on the market. So I am now going to try to cram as much into this post as possible!

The Exchange in pearl which is a Pinelake church plant started by Bryant May & Heather Peevey May. I absolutely love it!!!! I think this is the first church that I have absolutely loved 200% I am so proud to call the exchange my church home. This is the first church I have called my church home since I moved here in 2001 from the ms delta from clarksdale,Ms. There hasn't been a church since The Net that I felt 110% about & was absolutely sure that this is where I belong and im excited god has placed me in this church family. Everyone has made me feel so welcome and have made me feel apart of the church family. I love the life groups! I am so Honored to Call The Exchange My Church Family. The Exchange are some of the best people I know and are people you too would be honored to call them your church family. I wouldn't trade my church family for anything. God has placed a wonderful church family in my life. I haven't had a real church Family since Oakhurst Baptist Church in Clarksdale,MS. 

                                                                   The Exchange - Update - 

Beau Bailey - my cousin Casey's husband during church sunday morning at The Exchange!
The Journey from The Exchange on Vimeo.

In Response from The Exchange on Vimeo.

Response Offering (Part 1) from The Exchange on Vimeo.


Job Update - July 9,2013 -  Well Mr.Buddy called already this morning and said the girl that talked to me lastnight did talk to him and he got excellent comments from her and some other members lastnight.

to get this news before even beginning day 2 of Training IS FANTASTIC! It also lets buddy know what a hard worker i am.

It also helps me with the possibility of being the only to be offered & get that position coming up! Its also another mile stone because again I HAVEN'T EVER GOTTEN THIS AT ANY OTHER JOB.

It just goes to show that God closed the door on 6 years of retail jobs for a perfectly good reason. It also shows that it wasn't me who went wrong 3 times with 3 different retail jobs. It lets me know that i truly did do a wonderful job, its just that no one has ever expressed that to me. It also shows that NY & C MESSED UP BIG TIME WHEN THEY LET ME GO AFTER LESS THAN 2 months 2 years ago.

I will continue to have EXTREMELY HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF THE YMCA NOW!!!!!!!!!

So yall please be praying for me about the up coming position that i will get it!

Job Update #1 - Continued - July 9,2013

Oh! I found out lastnight why i wouldn't ever want to work at bestbuy. Mr.Buddy told me that that he would deal with the cds and dvds and stuff like that and if there was suppose to be 20 of a certain cd or dvd and there was only 13 then they expect you to go around the store and find the others and thats a pain. SO THANKS FOR GIVING ME A REASON TO WANT TO STAY ON BOARD THE YMCA FOR AS LONG AS I CAN!

That was a blessing when that job at best buy didn't work out when i applied and got called for an interview and was offered the job but it didn't fit my avaliability.

I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT SOMEONE WOULD BE PLACED INFRONT OF ME to tell me about jobs i didn't get that were actually a blessing in the end. Almost like a guardian Angel! SOOO CRAZY!!! Really threw me for a loop lastnight! I was almost going WOAH! HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT! i had not even mentioned previously applying at bestbuy when he brought it up, besides why would i mention places i previously applied where i never was offered a job or it just didnt work out at a place that has literally fought over me for two months, i would be ignorant if i did that. BELIEVE ME IM NOT THAT STUPID! LOL! I MIGHT BE STUPID BUT IM NOT THAT STUPID!!

thats not the first weird thing that has happened lately! Wait til you hear this!

Okay so ya'll know my mom and i have been house hunting and she and i sat up til Midnight the other day looking at houses online and all the sudden My Aunt Karen who died from cancer in 2004 well her house comes up listed under some of the houses for sale that we were looking at online and my mom didnt realize it until she started looking through pictures of the inside of the house and then she said OH MY WORD! this looks exactly like Karens house and she went back to the beginning of the pictures and sure enough it was her house. Almost like Aunt Karen is still trying to do what she always did best which was tell you what to do when it comes to houses and decorating, she is deffenantly watching over us and she has let us know that, i have no doubt in my mind she's watching over us and she's going to help my mom find the perfect house! I have no doubt our new house will have her touch when we start decorating and arranging furniture.

My bedroom now has her touch my decorating i did when we remodeled my room i know without a shadow of a doubt she was guiding me because i don't know anything about decorating! If you saw my room before the remodel you too would know without a shadow of a doubt she was guiding me. I LEARNED FROM THE BEST!

Job Update #2 - July 10,2013 - 

some of the things I love about being apart of The YMCA, your a free spirit - meaning you just come in and sign in and go to your area and do what it is you do and then leave when your done, work at your own pace, there is absolutely no pressure to finish a certain thing within 30 minutes or anything like that, no one comes looking for you, we all work together to get things done but we work in our own areas. once your done you check in with Ben, which he will usually comes in about the time I will be getting ready to leave except for thursdays & fridays, and see if he has anything he wants to add before you go. but he pretty much goes with whatever buddy says as far as when you can leave and that's how it should be! Everybody there stays busy the entire time and there is no one standing around just talking except for the people who work the front desk, at the ymca nobody has time to just stand around and talk, thats why we things done so quickly so that we can get out of there an hour earlier than we are scheduled to leave.

I wish it had been like this at the past jobs I have had, I never should have had to stay til 11:00pm or 12:00am or even 9:00pm or 10:00pm at night at my past jobs. This job just goes to show how uncalled for that is and how there is absolutely no reason for that, like I did at Target especially always made me stay til 11:00pm or 12:00am as well as NY & C tried to pull that on me one night and that was my last night when that happened. there shouldn't ever be anybody still working at places I have worked at at 9 or 10 or 11 or midnight or later. I mean the YMCA closes at 9:00pm but me being there doing what I do allows them to be able to walk out the door and go home as soon as they close. That's exactly what I was for at my past jobs was to get things restocked and cleaned up so that everyone could go home as soon as they closed.

THE YMCA is already teaching me so much. I hope to get to stay at the YMCA for many years to come and I'm already thinking that's probably going to be the case because I ask about the possibility of a YMCA in Madison and Buddy said that's very likely in the near future so KEEPING MY FINGERS CROSSED!!!

THIS JOB WAS TOTALLY WORTH THE WAIT IN THE END!!!!!!!! that's the point I was getting to.

Job Update #3 - July 12,2013



 Job Update #4 - July 19,2013

 LOVE THE YMCA & the people of The Downtown YMCA. They have made me feel at home. Mr.Buddy said today that the girl who comes in the mornings, said she can tell when I've been there doing stuff!

The members have thanked me for coming there and helping the girl out who does what i do in the mornings.

I had one member tell me Tuesday that you dont ever walk into a locker room or bathroom and say mmm it smells good in here!

Members are learning my name quickly and they are sure to thank me for all of my hard work. Some have said the ymca has never been as clean as it is now.

All the wonderful comments mean so much to me! Im very appriciative to the members and co-workers saying great things. Mr.Buddy said today it makes you feel good about coming in here every day! HE IS EXACTLY RIGHT!

For the first time in my life, I actually love my place of work and want to be there until we either move or i get my foot in the door of a portrait studio or until i can move to a different position doing computer work at the y which buddy mentioned he may have coming up.

Job Update #5 - July 24,2013

I can't believe that in two days I will complete my 3rd week at The DownTown YMCA & that Next Week I will begin my 4th Week at The Downtown YMCA. My Temporary Time at The Downtown YMCA is flying by so quickly and it's already so hard to believe that with school starting back in the next couple of weeks to a few weeks that I will soon be transferring to the Reservoir YMCA, I can't believe how quickly my time at the Downtown ymca is coming to an end. I know Mr.Buddy is not ready for me to go yet, I know the members aren't ready for me to go yet either. The members are still making me  feel so welcome and making me feel apart of the ymca family and I couldn't ask for anything more, the downtown ymca and the members have been wonderful. some of them thanked me the other day for just being there in the late afternoon keeping things cleaned up around the ymca.

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